The Renaissance and Synergetic Environmental Science
Buckminster Fuller and Sir C P Snow warned that the existing unbalanced understanding of the second law of thermodynamics was accelerating civilisation toward global disaster. To prevent that disaster, modern science needed to be reunited with the Classical Greek Era’s Humanities’ life science. A question arises, is it possible for the Arts to construct a Social Cradle to help ensure that this reunification occurs in time to prevent such global chaos? This paper argues that the basis of a relevant environmental science exists to accomplish that task. It can become the foundation to uphold such a cradle and the Western Arts culture is beginning to become aware of the responsibility for its construction.
The concept is that evolution functions as a universal negentropic process, expressing the infinite properties of fractal geometrical logic. The Encyclopaedia of Human Thermodynamics defines life-science energy as synergy, providing a definition in complete contradiction to Einstein’s contention that all of science must be governed by the second law of thermodynamics. The NASA High Energy Astrophysics Division library has published papers demonstrating that Classical Greek life-science was based upon fractal logic, in which case all life will not be destroyed by order of the second law of thermodynamics.
Sir Isaac Newton’s unpublished papers, discovered last century, specifically balanced the present mechanistic entropic world view with a more profound natural philosophy of science. Newton’s balancing principles were not only an expression of fractal logic but were the same principles that once upheld the ancient Greek life-science. It is nonsense for influential relics from the Inquisition to classify Newton’s balancing science as an insane criminal heresy. Nonetheless, many eminent Western scientists still believe that all life must be destroyed in accordance with the dictates of Einstein’s Premier law of all of science.
Arthur C Clark’s televised documentary entitled Factals:Colours of Infinity, presented several eminent scientists, including Benoit Mandelbrot. Mandelbrot’s famous fractal equation was justifiably hailed as the greatest mathematical discovery in human history. Arthur Clark then explains that fractal logic really does extend to infinity, adding the comment that fractal logic extends past the death of the universe.
Engineering under the yoke of the Principle of Destruction has long been considered a recipe for social disaster. Plato referred to engineers who were ignorant of optical spiritual engineering principles, as being barbarians only suited for continual warfare. The Parthenon was constructed upon Pythagorean fractal mathematical logic as a spiritual statement concerning the ethics that had been fused into theories of creation belonging to the Nous of Anaxagoras. The use of computers in the reconstruction of the Parthenon program revealed that the temple had been carefully constructed to create an optical illusion by using Golden Mean geometrical principles. Now that Plato’s optical spiritual engineering principles have been successfully transferred by Buckminster Fuller into the synergies of a universal holographic chemistry endorsed by the three 1996 Nobel Laureates in Chemistry, the general present understanding of the second law is shown to be inadequate.
Our greatest scientists can be seen to be spiritually hobbled by the entropic yoke, and so are many of our greatest scholars representing the Humanities. Marsilio Ficino during the 15th Century, was head of the revived Academy of Plato in Florence. His work was dedicated to the functioning of Plato’s atomic physics of the soul. Plato’s engineering evil, associated with an obsession with destructive warfare, was defined in his Timaeus as a property of unformed matter within the physical atom. The Classical Greek Epicurean fractal logic science of universal love was about atomistic physics concepts. On the other hand the concept of Liberty within 18th Century American Democracy was constructed upon the principles of physics and geometry, using Sir Isaac Newton’s published physics principles without any knowledge of his unpublished physics principles based upon fractal logic.
The ancient Greek checks and balances associated with Aristotle’s ethical science to guide ennobling government can be considered to apply to the futuristic development of a protective technology to balance a barbaric engineering obsession with nuclear fission. Be that as it may, Plato’s spiritual engineering principles are now firmly employed at the cutting edge of quantum biological research, in which our materialistic reality is but a very small aspect of a far greater holographic reality. We are now presented with a greater environmental science issue than was previously conceivable and we do need the relevant balanced environmental science.
It is illogical for global climate change life science to be kept separate from the fractal functioning of a rain cloud. Confused inadequate entropic environmental policies can be considered a precursor to potential nightmare scenarios. Princeton University advertises its environmental policies as being associated with the policies of the American President Woodrow Wilson. President Wilson established a Maria Montessori school in the White-house from which the engineering of her Golden Gates to the future might be deduced. The President wanted the American political ethos to move from a materialistic basis to a life science basis, because he considered Democracy to be a living thing. However, his choice of Darwinian life science was not compatible with Montessori’s teaching, because Darwin had based his theories upon the second law of thermodynamics, derived from Thomas Mathus’ Principles of Population essay. Montessori had classified the second law of thermodynamics as the greed energy law causing warfare and periodic economic collapse.
Montessori had worked with President Wilson, Alexander Graham Bell, Thomas Eddison and Tielhard de Chardin. De Chardin’s electromagnetic key to open the Golden Gates could only function for all people at the same time, in defiance of Darwinian theory in which the civilised races would exterminate the savage races. At the Nuremberg Nazi War Crimes Tribunal, high ranking German prisoners pointed out that Hitler’s policies were derived from Darwinian Eugenics of which President Woodrow and Alexander Graham Bell were active proponents, as at that time were many eminent English and American scholars.
The distinction between barbaric and ethical electromagnetic engineering principles can be considered to be relevant to the discovery last century that a physics force governing optimal biological growth and development through space-time exists. This optical discovery was reprinted alongside works by such authors as Louis Pasteur and Sir Francis Crick, as an important discovery from the 20th Century World literature. The discovery demonstrated that entropic Darwinian science is unable to generate rigorous computer simulations of futuristic life-forms across 20 million years of space-time, while fractal life science mathematics can do so. The barbaric aspect of this fact is that Western culture remains governed by the second law of thermodynamics, which forbids the existence of a healthy universal fractal logic life force, even when Fullerene chemistry provides rigorous scientific evidence to the contrary.
The research methodology certainly does exist to generate futuristic human survival simulations across evolutionary periods of space-time. By observing such simulations, the nature of the futuristic survival technology would become obvious. We already can deduce the fact that population numbers present no problem within the environment of holographic reality. On the other hand, unbalanced entropic logic not only prevents the application of Plato’s spiritual optical engineering principles, but it also accelerates the destructive chaos we can associate with World War II.
American Plutocracy can be now be seen to be failing to genuinely protect Western culture, however opportunity exists to develop Fullerene technologies from the newly discovered Fullerene medical science. We are becoming aware of the dangers of polluting the greater holographic environment and might investigate further that Platonic ethics was about establishing a science that by harmonising with the fractal universe for its healthy evolution, humans would not become extinct.
At it’s Castle on the Hill in Northern New South Wales, the Science-Art Centre conducts workshops and lectures about the importance of worldwide Fullerene technological research. It considers that the life science company C Sixty, based upon Fullerene synergy discoveries by the three 1996 Nobel Laureates in Chemistry, might be frustrated by the limitations imposed by the entropic logic of global economic rationalisation. The Centre seeks to construct a Social Cradle model that might provide the popular support that Buckminster Fuller considered necessary to ensure human survival rather than oblivion.
Following academic exchanges with universities around the world, the Centre follows Kun Huangs’ advice to nurture the ideas of independent scientists who present concepts based upon the geometries of Classical Greek fractal life science. In August 2010 the physicist Nassim Haramein delivered a lecture at the Centre and was filmed by Gaia Films, which have made many prize winning documentaries, two of these received human rights awards. A Gaia Films spokesperson stated that Hassim Haramein very beautifully and clearly married the knowledge of ancient Western learning and Eastern philosophy into the cutting edge of modern quantum bio-physics.
Fractal logic spirituality in art within an entropic culture was the theme of a Masters research project at Queensland’s Beaudesert Regional Galleries in June 2010. The curator of the Project, Sally Peters receiving a Distinction for her paper, from the University of Tasmania. Buckminster Fuller’s proposed intellectual science-art foundations for the Social Cradle needed to protect the rigorous new Fullerene global medical science can now be seen coming into being. At the Southern Cross University in Northern New South Wales, Dr Amanda Reichet-Brusett of the School of Environmental Science and Management is independently organising a September workshop entitled Exploring the synergies between art and science. Although the controversial definition of synergies contradicting the basis of global Western scientific culture might not have been fully taken into account, none the less, the much needed revision of environmental science can be seen to be emerging once again into Western culture. The Fullerene inspiration for human survival has begun to grow wings.
Copyright © Professor Robert Pope