Sex, Science and Survival
The idea that reality evolves through an infinite dance of fundamental atomic geometrical shapes with an ethical purpose, became the basis of science in 3rd Century BC Greece. Plato’s Academy called it the Science for ethical ends. The Epicurean University called it the Science of universal love. The movement of the moon, echoing the atomic dance of life was seen to influence the female cycle. The ethical purpose, in this case, was held to explain a mothers love and compassion for children, giving sex a potential infinite ethical value.
Greek philosophers argued that religious beliefs were not part of the atomic purpose and others maintained that traditional cultural virtues contributed to the evolution of humanity. A crucial debate at that time, was that healthy human development required a scientific understanding of infinity. This understanding was associated with a sexually orientated joy of life associated with the eternal atomic dance creating a desire to love and protect children.
Greek science was invented to save civilization from the extinction process, recorded within the fossil record. In particular, the term ‘saviour’ applied to teachers of the Epicurean school. The Roman Government considered this idea as a threat to the stability of their Empire. However, it succumbed to Christian ideology during the 5th Century AD. By that time science was an instrument controlled by religious dogma for the purpose of military conquest rather that reasoning about the infinite ethical purpose of the geometrical atomic dance of life.
The mathematical understanding of the dance of life under religious control during the Dark Ages was about ensuring that a particular creed developed science to protect itself from military conquest. Sexual selection centred upon the physical attributes of the warrior class, echoing the primitive survival mindset of previous life on earth, most of which had become extinct. Infinite mathematical conjecture became completely banished within all scientific reasoning as a treasonable heresy. Giordano Bruno in 1600 was burnt alive by the Christian church in Rome for teaching about it at Oxford University.
The resulting supreme law of science became one of carcinogenic growth and development toward certain extinction and therefore cannot be considered as ethical. Einstein’s genius, who initially agreed with that unethical proposition, provided the solution to this problem. His “we can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking that we used when we created them” meant that science needed to alter its governing logic.
If humanity is to prosper it must confront modern science’s obsession about the certain extinction of humanity. That will involve a re-understanding of our sexual mindset. The infinite geometrical logic involved in the dance of life generates a powder keg of emotional thoughts and feelings beyond present scientific comprehension. With all the best intentions, religious concepts of infinity are of little pragmatic help. This is demonstrated by the current exposure of organized child molestation within the Christian Church and the degrading use of sex associated with acts of religious Islamic terrorism. The complexity and dynamics of sexual reality requires a much more profound and compassionate understanding.
Science is an incredible wonderment. However, its use of information and communication devices brought about a global 3D dysfunctional epidemic of false financial expectations that is unethical. The mass manufacture of such devices is transmitting dysfunctional information. It uses artistic know-how to generate false social anticipation by using a geometrical mathematics similar to the creation of addictions associated with poker machine functioning.
Science must relinquish its obsessive intolerance toward research into linking human evolutionary survival with infinite fractal logic. Under the present carcinogenic situation, all information and communication logic only obeys the laws of universal chaos. The restructuring of this obsolete law will allow relevant crucial scientific investigation to proceed. In quantum biological neurological cancer research, living information is known to flow in the opposite direction to the energies of extinction chaos. It is important to research the reasoning that living emotional information, by entangling with chaos energy, generates evolutionary universal consciousness.
The procedure that science could use to solve this problem is simple. It cannot wait for political leaders to draft out religious persuasive ideas concerning ethical immortality. That would be counterproductive, as it cannot be discussed scientifically. Religion and science are still locked into an emotional power struggle that the 17th Century philosopher, Thomas Hobbes, described as one leading to continual cycles of destructive conflict throughout the history of evolving civilizations. However, in the name of cancer research, relevant controversial geometrical scientific concepts can be programmed into a computer in order to obtain a human survival blueprint. At present this is impossible because modern science is innately carcinogenic and cannot generate such non-carcinogenic futuristic simulations.
Sigmund Freud described this scientific obsession with our extinction in his ‘Beyond the Pleasure Principle’. He described science as using inorganic chemistry to force organic life science back into an inanimate state. As the father of psycho-analysis he dedicated his life to freeing the human mindset from this emotional death-cult dictatorship. As an influential Freemason his attempt echoed the centuries old battle between the Christian Church and Freemasonry’s naive and failed attempt to free humanity from what it called the principle of destruction upholding science. The 1948 Freemasonry book ‘Freemasonry its Hidden Meaning’ clearly stated that its purpose was to free humanity from the yoke imposed by the Principle of Destruction. However, Freud’s condemnation of our death cult to extinction can now be used to help quickly design as a precise human survival blueprint.
The simple idea of putting the complex geometrical dance of life issue into a computer program to obtain a blueprint for seashell evolution succeeded during the 20th Century. IEEE, the world’s largest technological research institute, reprinted the discovery of the life-force in 1990. However, the application of 3rd Century science’s ethical logic concerning the cancer-free geometrical evolution of seashell growth and development through space-time is now in violation of prevailing human death cult logic. The seashell survival blueprint was acceptable but the human one remains an emotional religious and scientific heresy.
Any major religion perceiving that the religion of another culture uses a dysfunctional carcinogenic methodology to ensure its own survival will attempt to rectify that situation. Traditional beliefs and customs, based upon sound and colour excitement, fused with dysfunctional geometrical logic, similar to poker machine mathematical science, can only bring about dysfunctional desires to accelerate extreme cultural chaos in an attempt at such rectification.
However, as soon as the human survival blueprint simulations come into existence, then their first principle geometrical knowledge concerning the nature of carcinogenic growth and development can be used also for the benefit of the entire global population. The resulting wealth generated would be greater that the cost of destroying various national infrastructures. The ethical magnification of science will then become part of universal consciousness becoming aware of itself to shed its past carcinogenic disposition. As ancient Greek ethical logic argued, science can guide ennobling government for the health of the universe by becoming part of its healthy growth and development, thus avoiding extinction. That project is now in the hands of scientists and artists internationally promoting that idea as an integral part of the 21st Century Renaissance, which means literally, the rebirth of ancient Greek ethical science.