Getting an Online Degree – An Alternative Tertiary Education For the Homeschooled Student

What is an online degree? Sometimes called an E-Degree, this is an opportunity to get a degree at home. Studying at home is not new to homeschoolers, and they tend to excel at distance education. Using the internet, you can study online, and earn your E-Degree. Choose your course with care, and you will have an online degree worth exactly the same as a conventional degree. You do need to watch out for scams and unaccredited schools, who will take your money and give you a useless piece of paper. However, with the right advice, you can know how to ask the right questions to choose the online degree program that suits your needs, and gives you the qualification you seek.

One of the reasons people choose to homeschool is to reduce the influence of ungodly peers upon their children. Homeschooled students are brought up in a protected environment, where character and values can be taught without the negative pressure of peers constantly working against the parents’ efforts. Statistically, a huge percentage of Christian young people who attend College will graduate with their faith destroyed. I have heard it stated at 90 percent, but I would hate to think it could be so high. Homeschool parents are right to feel concerned and hesitant to send their children off to College without some trepidation.

While young people must be allowed more and more contact with worldly influences, and learn to stand in their faith on their own, the question must be asked very seriously about what is the best option for their lives. For some, completing their degree at home will be a viable, and even a wise alternative.

Care must be taken, however, not to so isolate your children that they cannot cope in the world. We do have to live within our society, and a young person who is not allowed an increasing amount of contact with outside influences will be greatly handicapped in dealing with people and situations in his/her adult life. Christians are told to be “in the world but not of the world”. While we protect our young children from knowing about the evil that is in the world, we must ensure that as they grow we expose them to it, in such measures as we know they can cope with, and then teach them why it exists, what the consequences are, and how to overcome it with the love of Christ. Their own self-control must be continually exercised and self-governing encouraged. They need to learn to make wise decisions and how to stand strong against foolish but persistent friends, colleagues, or acquaintances.

If the youth culture at your local College is not something you want to be involved in (or want your son or daughter involved in, if you are the parent reading this), then if tertiary education is something you prayerfully believe you should pursue, then E Learning is certainly an alternative worth looking into.

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