Darwin’s Relationship Advice For Men

Sometimes you need to stop listening and start observing

Sometimes the best possible relationship advice for men entering the dating game means taking a lesson from evolution. What many women say they want in a man and the reality of the men they typically choose are often two very different things. If your dating skills hinge on what you hear women saying then by far the best advice I can give you is to stop listening and start watching. I’m going to show you why being the guy a woman says she wants will put you on permanent friend status, and why being the man she’s helplessly drawn to will bump you up to boyfriend status.

Does she want a listener of a confident talker?

If a woman says she wants a man who listens to her, but always chooses to date men that dominate a conversation, your next move ought to be showing her you have the confidence to dominate a conversation as well. Although she might say she wants a good listener, she obviously she’s a helpless slave to her biology. What her biology tells her that the over confident guy that dominates conversations is going to be a successful provider for her and any possible children.

How come women go the opposite of what they say they want?

I can think of half a dozen women that say they want a man with a sense of humor, then always date boring guys with money. If you want to know why women say one thing and do another it comes down to their biological motivation for choosing a mate. Although women might not have any intention of getting pregnant, when she evaluates an interested man she can’t help but think about how good of a father he would make for her children on a basic level. By basic level, I’m referring to providing food and shelter. On a basic level it isn’t the guy that makes her laugh that brings home the bacon, it’s the confident leader.

The best relationship advice for men always follows a woman’s biology, not common sense

Although logically a programmer that can charge a fortune for his services should be a great choice for a mate. A woman that is dominated by her desire to choose a mate that will be capable of providing for her future children ought to be drawn to geeky looking guys. But we all know that it doesn’t work that way. The reason lies in the fact that she’s operating on an ancient hard wired assumption that a big, strong, healthy guy is the one that is going to be a great provider. So sorry fellas, get in the gym and quit drinking so much soda!

Just because you happen to be a great guy, doesn’t mean that you can’t get together with the girl of your dreams. You can still be yourself, but the important lesson from this relationship advice is remember that you aren’t getting anywhere unless you remember to push her biological buttons!

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