College and the Mathematics Prodigy – What Career Should You Take?
There are many super up and coming math student in our time, for some reason, perhaps due to increased population, we are discovering more and more anomalies. And yet, we need so many more. It’s great to have the super-stars of humanity and these unbelievable mathematical prodigies, but we are going to need more to run our ever increasing complex and technologically advanced society.
If you are good at math, you should work to excel and see where it leads, as there are excellent jobs and careers available if you go for it. What sorts of jobs could you take? Well, many of the very most important jobs and career paths that our nation relies on include math. For instance; There is a whole lot of math that goes into a Missile Defense Shield system.
Oh speaking of math and careers, why don’t we also mention “Computer Science” as a potential academic choice, if this interests you maybe you should set your sites on a technology school – Virginia Tech, MIT, Cal Tech, Stanford, Carnegie Mellon, they have AI, VR, Robotics, Computer science degrees, perhaps with your name it. Don’t give up on math and science, we need you for America’s future.
If you are gifted in math, or love the subject we need you and you can enjoy a good career in the area of mathematics. Everything in the world we know is made up of math, without it, everything would fall apart. Why not be part of that master plan, and help us use this knowledge to write the next chapter in human evolution. Please consider this.